On Monday, Mark Donatelli participated in a presentation to the Department of Justice Capital Case Review Committee on behalf of a capital-eligible Bureau of Prisons defendant. Together with Jacob and Jose Vela of the Vela Law Firm in Houston and their Mitigation Specialist, Gina Vitale, the team met with DOJ officials as part of the federal death penalty protocol process. It is expected that Attorney General Merrick Garland will decide before March 2024 whether to authorize a capital prosecution in the case.
Mark has specialized in death penalty defense for more than 40 years. Other Rothstein Donatelli attorneys have also represented numerous capital defendants at trial and post-conviction. After being selected as a member of the Federal Death Penalty Resource Counsel Project in 2007, Mark began assisting capital defense teams across the country navigate the DOJ authorization process, at trial and on post-conviction. In addition, he has been appointed as learned counsel in federal capital cases and provided instruction at national capital defense seminars.
His work has been a part of the Firm's long-standing commitment to assist in ending capital punishment at the state and federal levels.