News & Publications

Univision Series: Accusations of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church - Part 3

Posted by April E. Olson | Apr 12, 2019


Our Univision News team traveled to the interior of New Mexico , where at one time there was a rehabilitation center for pedophile priests from across the nation. Just over an hour away from Alquerque and between a road lost in the mountains, the "rehabilitation center" Fitzgerald was established , which was active for almost 20 years to supposedly "cure" pedophile priests from across the nation. The rehabilitation program began in 1976 at the initiative of two young priests of the religious order "Servants of the Paraclete" or "servants of the Holy Spirit" in Spanish.

They believed that priests with sexual problems, alcoholism and drug addiction could be cured with prayers and psychiatric treatment. Once the priests were discovered in possible acts of pedophilia, they were sent to the rehabilitation center. Upon completion of their rehabilitation, as part of their graduation from the program, they were sent to other parishes around the state of New Mexico. Court records that were made public in October of 2017, show three priests who abused almost 60, 40 and 30 victims.

About the Author

April E. Olson

Partner - Tempe Office


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